Wild Behaviour Gallery

“The bush became a place of endless fascination, full of unpredictable surprises and imbued with an ethereal rhythm that played whether I was there or not. A place that was ancient, beautiful and ruthlessly practical at the same time, where things made sense and judgement was not required. Over time awareness of something deep, intelligent and boundless emerged. It seemed to exist everywhere but I sensed it most acutely when I was alone in the bush. This enigmatic knowing was powerful and commanded respect yet remained truly ungraspable, defying words, thoughts and definition. Inexplicably, it is the only thing I have ever found that remains reliably there.”
Melissa Zappelli

“Where to begin? Do we measure the relaxing of the feet? The moment when the eye glimpses the hawk, when instinct functions? For in this pure action, this pure moving of the bird, there is no time, no space, but only the free doing-being of this very moment -now!
Peter Matthiessen